Top 7 Ways to Increase Your Blog Traffic in 2024 (killer tips for new blogger)

Many bloggers, both new and experienced, adhere to essential tactics for increasing blog traffic, such as Pinterest, social networking, and SEO to get noticed in search engine results. However, you might be asking how to quickly, simply, and wisely boost blog visitors.

I’ve used a few brilliant strategies that need very little work to increase blogging traffic for 2023. Win-win, in my opinion!

“Low-hanging fruit,” as I like to refer to it. It’s the simple things that get done!

Simply said, there are times when we become so consumed with attempting to produce a brand-new blog post that we lose sight of the simple ways to increase blog traffic.

Remind yourself that I’ve put together a brief list of easy methods to drive more traffic to your site.

7 Reasons Why Your Blog Isn’t Making Money in 2024 (With Solution)

Table of Contents

Make Your Content Google-Friendly

Without a doubt, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a fantastic strategy for growing blog visitors.

This is the technical aspect of the job, which is just as important as the content creation process. Maximizing results is not achievable without optimization.

Prior to anything else, it’s critical to comprehend the most critical SEO factors, like on-page and off-page SEO. You need to incorporate these insights into your content strategy.

Your content has a better chance of ranking well in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) the more you optimize it. This implies that when people search on Google, your material will appear more prominently.

Optimization is a continuous process. As a result, make it a habit to check that your blog is regularly adhering to the necessary SEO guidelines.

Your stuff is no different. Always follow Google’s optimization guidelines when writing, starting with the fundamentals:

  • Use of keywords
  • Hierarchy of link building
  • Hierarchy of Headers
  • And Scannability

Improve knowledge about Keyword Research

Considerable weight is placed on keywords in content strategy. These keywords show you what your target audience has been looking for on Google.

Naturally, curiosity exists where there is a search. Writing content using these keywords is therefore a direct approach to connect with readers.

To discover what these terms are, you must run a search. To conduct this research, you can use instruments like:

  • Moz Keyword Explorer
  • Google Search Console
  • and SEMRush

Always make an effort to comprehend keyword variations as well. This endeavor will contribute to the production of better content that can draw visitors.

Remember that you should constantly look at keywords that make sense for your approach.

If not, Google can give your content a lower ranking. Delivering postings that are relevant to your sector is crucial.

Revise, Repost, and Advertise An Old Blog Post

There are times when you may have some excellent previous blog pieces that just want a little reminder. Perhaps since you made it a year ago, things have changed.

It may be experiencing a slight decline in blog visitors or a drop in Google search engine ranks.

This is one of the greatest methods to increase blog traffic without having to produce any new material at all:

  • Modify a blog post by updating its headings, content, and graphics, as well as by adding a few new, relevant SEO keywords that complement the post’s existing content. Don’t forget to add fresh keywords to your SEO title update.
  • Republish it with a new date (modify the date where it reads “Publish” in WordPress’ blog post editor area).
  • Use all of your social media channels to promote it, just like you would a new blog post.
  • Make new Pinterest pins for it and submit them there.

I updated two blog posts as part of an experiment.

In addition to making new Pinterest pins and promoting them on my Facebook page, Facebook group, and Twitter, I also added them to my email newsletter list. I noticed a 10% increase in traffic.

Share Your Blog on Various Social Media Platforms

There are other ways to get readers to your site than Google. While it is the primary one, there are others that are equally relevant, such as social media platforms.

You cannot use your blog as your only website. You should know how to leverage your profiles on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote your content because you undoubtedly have them.

Make sure that once new information is released, it gets shared on social media as well. Therefore, you draw people who follow your profiles on these networks in addition to Google traffic.

Make Eye-Catching Headlines

A compelling title entices the reader to read the information. Its chances of being selected in the SERP are therefore higher the more visually appealing it is.

The keyword is the first parameter that has to be applied to this headline. This will make sure that your material is emphasized in the search engine results page, increasing the likelihood that it will be viewed.

After doing this, you must consider an engaging strategy that encourages people to engage with the content.

Several techniques to create a captivating headline include:

  • Provide a solution to an issue
  • Make use of lists (such as the one you’re reading)
  • Make a bold commitment and keep it
  • Be unbiased when assessing the information that will be presented
  • Utilize “what,” “how,” and “why,” among other trigger words.

If you’ve recently published new blog posts, one of the easiest strategies to increase blog traffic is to link to similar earlier content.

Why? Having prior blog posts that point to your current content is excellent SEO.

Page authority is higher for older blog content than for newer posts. Your old blog entries are signaling to Google that the content is related and excellent by incorporating links to your new ones.

This improves the search engine rankings of your new blog entries and allows readers of your earlier pieces to find them.

For the win, interlinking!

I’ve always advocated for having a sidebar on your blog entries. It’s one of the simplest methods for quickly and easily increasing blog visitors.

There won’t be a significant increase in traffic, but it will still exist.

On this website, this is one of mine!

These are the actions that I advise you to take:

  • Look at your Google Analytics statistics to find out which blog article is getting more views even though it isn’t in the top five. This indicates that it’s functioning fairly well but could use a little encouragement.
  • Make a text-based visual or “ad.” It has dimensions appropriate for the sidebar of my theme, so it resembles a Pinterest pin somewhat. To maintain the centered appearance of your images, make sure to follow the guidelines provided by your theme.
  • Put the image in your sidebar and include a link to the post URL you wish to promote with it.

Final Thoughts

You discovered that increasing blog traffic requires deliberate efforts in this blog. These ten strategies can help you attain amazing outcomes.

Recall that the secret to getting more people to visit your site is to have amazing content. Here’s where WriterAccess is useful!

Share this blog on your social media accounts until then. Every share you have matters!

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