Privacy Policy

Viewcutter collected data

Personal data is the data that identifies your information.We collect your data which is depending on the service you use.We may collect the following categories of personal information about you which is through your use of the services and from third parties

  • Identifies : your name, Signature, postal address, zip code,email address, telephone Number, IP address, User ID, device ID,or similar identifier
  • Personal Information : your Occupation, employment history,Professional Contact information, education history or other information
  • Inference : your created profile reflecting your preference, characteristics, behaviour, attitudes,Intelligence, abilities and aptitudes.
  • Geological Data : General physical Location of your device.

Information Which Is We Collect Directly :

We collect mainly Cookies data from you,when you give us the permission. And we collect it for your to better experience in Viewcutter.Which is give you a fresh experience.We collect your data very safely.

Our service contain links to third party website and application. Any kind of access and use of linked website or application is not governed by this policy. But Instead governed by the policy of those third party website or application. Viewcutter is not responsible for any information practices from third party website and application.We want you must check or review the privacy policy of any third party website or application that you choose to visit in your own permission.We Don’t allow any argument, which is out of this policy. You need to follow our policy.Otherwise we are not responsible for any argument.

Security for the information

We take reassuring security precautions to safeguard your information. No data transfer or storage mechanism, however, is 100 percent secure. We are dedicated to safeguarding the personal data we possess and maintain the security of your information by putting in place the necessary organizational and technical safeguards against its unauthorized or unlawful processing as well as accidental loss, deletion, or damage. Without your permission, we never sell, trade, or otherwise transmit your personal information to third parties. We may provide aggregated, non-personal data to third parties for uses like analytics and advertising.

Affiliate Disclosure Policy

The cost of maintaining this blog includes hosting, design, paid tools, and content services, among other things. I occasionally used to include some affiliate links in the blog posts I wrote in order to pay for all of these expenses. By using my affiliate link to purchase a product, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.

On, we also employ third-party adverts to fund the operation of the website. When they advertise on our website, some of these advertisers may employ technology like cookies and web beacons, which also sends these advertisers (like Google through the Google Adsense program) information like your IP address, your ISP, the browser you used to visit our site, and in some cases, whether Flash is installed) information. This is frequently used for geo-targeting or to display particular advertising based on the websites visited.

Children policy

Our service are not applicable for Children under age of thirteen (13).If we can detected that in our service any under age children provide their information, we sadly inform you that we will remove your all activities and all information from our system.

Changes to this Policy

As per the above-mentioned Last Update date, this Policy is up to date. We may update this Privacy Policy,from time to time. Any updates to this Policy will be posted on our services. By emphasizing the change on the Service, we will try to give you notice before making any changes to this Policy that fundamentally alter our practices with regard to the information we have already acquired about you.

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